简介:Now come into his full knowledge and power, the Anti-Christ in the body of Damien Thorne is about to strike his final blow. The Christ-child has been born again, on the Angel Isle, Great Britain (Scotland, England & Wales). The plan is simple, kill the Christ child to prevent him from growing up to bring the return of Christ and death of the Anti-Christ.
简介:达利波(搜索 约瑟夫·阿布汉姆 Josef Abrhám 饰)是一名书商,事业说不上成功,也算不上失败。然而,达利波的日子过得却十分的辛苦,常年挣扎在贫困线上,这是为什么呢?原来,达利波是一个典型的花花公子,更糟的是,他的桃花运好的爆棚,因此,经历了好几段失败婚姻的他不得不将大部分的积蓄都用在了支付赡养费上。一次偶然中,达利波发现了一个赚钱的妙招。在外就餐时,他总是会被人误认为是服务生,于是,达利波一不做二不休,索性假扮成服务生的样子,出没于各大餐厅之中收取餐费,最终这些钱当然是都流入了他的口袋。东窗事发之后,达利波将受到法律的制裁。
简介:A teacher, Sakiko Kurata (Yuki Kazamatsuri), receives a phone call regarding one of her former students. Young Sueko (Ayako Ôta) is accused of being a prostitute and has requested Sakiko’s help. This minx seduces random strangers for sex, but does not ask for payment. Sakiko has moved to another town and barely remembers Sueko, but there’s something about her that awakens painful memories of her own secretive past. What is that strange paint thinner smell on Sueko? Who is the man in the nylon ski mask that violently assaulted Sakiko many years ago? In her search for answers, Sakiko discovers that her past may have inadvertently destroyed another family’s future.