简介:Homemaker 's flavor has a heterogeneous physiological structure due to the painted film. Her husband, Tonghyeok, is tired of frequent trips and overwork, and she is always lonely. One day, the flavor of renting a videotape to appease the hollow mind is touched by Donghyeok who came back from his home town. Tonghyuk feels that he is vulgar to such a flavor and leaves to Sorak Mountain, and he comes to Dong-hyuk to pray for forgiveness and realizes that there is a dumb woman called "local" near him. However, to the pregnant local, Tonghye forced abortion and eventually she died. In this case, the two went into separation and tasted the tape to comfort the loneliness of the single, and the affair with the videotape deliverer, who had always tempted her. The flavor caught by the young man is eventually transformed into a coloring actor, and Dong-hyuk rescues the flavor, but she is hospitalized in a mental hospital due to delirium.
简介:Three girls living in Los Angeles, CA in the 1980s found cult fame when they "accidentally" transitioned from models to B-movie actresses, coinciding with the major direct-to-video horror film boom of the era. Known as "The Terrifying Trio," Linnea Quigley (The Return of the Living Dead), Brinke Stevens (The Slumber Party Massacre) and Michelle Bauer (The Tomb), headlined upwards of ten films per year, fending off men in rubber monster suits, pubescent teenage boys, and deadly showers. They joined together in campy cult films like Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-a-Rama (1988) and Nightmare Sisters (1987). They traveled all over the world, met President Reagan, and built mini-empires of trading cards, comic books, and model kits. Then it all came crashing down. This documentary remembers these actresses - and their most common collaborators - on how smart they were to play stupid.
简介:15岁的少女玛丽·罗沙里亚(苏珊·海明威 Susan Hemingway 饰)因与未婚夫克里斯多巴尔在郊外嬉戏,而被目睹于此文森特神父(威廉姆·伯格 William Berger 饰)指责为淫荡与不贞。在文森特的恐吓下,玛丽的母亲(Patricia Da Silva 饰)被迫献出积蓄并将女儿送入瑟拉德阿里斯修道院。这座修道院表面看起来严禁虔诚,玛丽进入这里不仅要检查其贞操,还要讲述自己的罪行,并持续三天苦行与祷告。然而所谓的虔诚似乎只是幻象,背地里修女们拜祭魔鬼撒旦(赫伯特·福克斯 Herbert Fux 饰),举行邪恶而狂放的仪式。玛丽企图逃跑,却被告密而面临严厉的审判。肉体与精神遭受痛苦的折磨,玛丽只得写信给至高的上帝……
简介:女友离去,乐队解散,失意的摇滚乐手乔塔(Nancho Novo 饰)决定从桥上跳下结束自己的生命。正在这时,一辆失控的摩托车从身后急速驶来,撞破护栏摔在桥下的沙滩上。乔塔急忙跑去营救,发现这名女性车手(Emma Suárez 饰)在剧烈的撞击之下丧失了记忆。鬼使神差之下乔塔谎称对方名叫丽莎,而自己则是她的男朋友。伤愈之后乔塔带着丽莎来到红松鼠度假区疗养,他小心编织着自认为天衣无缝的谎言,却没留神发现自己堕入一个深不见底的谜局……本片荣获1993年戛纳电影节外语片青年奖。
简介:A documentary road-movie about 7 young women's artists on tour on a bus, all over Europe this summer, who create on stage a manifesto on feminism, sex, art and education.
简介:A young girl travels to Cairo to visit her father, and becomes unwillingly involved with a bizarre sadomasochistic cult led by the charismatic Paul Chevalier, who is a descendant of the Marquis de Sade. (R,18+)*** A classical Gnostic Cults Movie behind the scence ***
简介:和世界上大多数夫妻一样,玛尔塔(安娜 金斯卡娅 Anna Jimskaia 饰)和丈夫达里奥(马克思 帕罗蒂 Max Parodi 饰)过着简单而平静的生活,可是,从某些角度看来,平静等同于乏味,而这乏味让玛尔塔的心中时常燃烧着欲望的火焰。随着火焰越烧越烈,玛尔塔的痛苦也随之增加。渐渐的,玛尔塔的精神世界开始失控,她与每一个看得上眼的男人们共享着鱼水之欢,在梦境里,在幻想中,而每当此时,达里奥总会身着风衣手持枪械打破玛尔塔的幻想。 随着时间的推移,玛尔塔逐渐的迷失在了现实和幻想的交界线上,她终于背叛了自己的丈夫,有了一个年轻的情人。几经思量,玛尔塔决定和情人私奔,可是在丈夫熟悉的身影前,她又陷入了犹豫之中。
简介:马西莫(迈克尔·莫罗内 Michele Morrone 饰)出生于一个非常繁盛的西西里黑手党家族之中,从下肩上就背负了继承家业的重任。身为族长的父亲遭人暗杀,尽管马西莫对与黑道这点事情毫无兴趣,但作为家族唯一的继承人,他只能接替父亲的位置,成为了首领,劳拉(安娜·玛丽亚·西克拉克 Anna Maria Sieklucka 饰)是一家非常豪华的大酒店的总监,虽然