简介:After having received a number of “Guest Creatures” on its mythical stage such as Dita Von Teese, it is Christian Louboutin’s turn to take over Le Crazy Horse. The famous creator of the red sole revisits the Crazy show.The 3D effects added during post production like sequins, water, flames and smoke reinforce the immersion. “We draw the eye as close to the body, the muscles, the emotions and the sensuality as possible” says director Bruno Hullin, 3D expert.繼與多位國際級名師,其中包括Dita Von Teese合作後,著名巴黎癲馬舞蹈團繼續推陳出新,這次請來法國名鞋品牌設計大師「紅底鞋王」Christian Louboutin 擔任客席總監。而後期製作,以3D效果加入的閃閃發光、水、火焰和煙霧讓演出增添了受煙火洗禮的感覺。本片的導演般奴于蘭表示:「我們盡可能將觀眾的目光引向軀體、肌肉、情感和性感的動作。」
简介:一部敏感惹火的挪威家庭题材影片,House on the rocks(1974),影片对母子之性的暴露处理显现着北欧电影的无矩不逾的先锋风味,远胜法国名导路易马勒类似题材的 好奇心 Le Souffle au Coeur (Murmur of the Heart 1971),足让向来乖巧的东方受众大咋其舌。
简介:A spouse discovers her better half's savage room style unsettling and she begins to think about whether he's undermining her, and when this makes her waver into the edge of mental issues, she is "spared" by her male specialist companions with whom she starts an undertaking
简介:Harry Bannerman, a Connecticut suburbanite who becomes involved in various shenanigans when his wife Grace Oglethorpe leads a protest movement against a secret army plan to set up a missile base in their community.
简介:夢中有我 DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME (Greece) by Antonis Kokkinos這是一部收錄諸多國際級大導演所拍攝的情色短片的電影作品集,在這些短片中,導演們用一些诙谐的、詩意的方法去呈現人世間的性愛之美。當然,他們也會用鏡頭拍出不一样文化背景下的性的差異,這些短片的風格是性感的、撩拨的、**的,乃至是粗俗的、充滿了爭議性的。參與的導演包含肯 羅素(查泰萊夫人)、尼古拉斯羅伊格(血光鬼影奪命刀)等。此版來自澳洲四區雙碟完整版,靜態英文菜單,全屏4:3畫面,英語DD2.0音軌,正片2條簡繁體的WX獨家精準(中文字幕)[含註釋],原版無花絮,UV外封和內頁的装备說明準確,雙面彩印海報內封,彩圖硬紙信封內袋,露點燙碼厚金盤基,讀盤流暢。2