简介:艺术学院学生本(肖恩•比格斯代夫 Sean Biggerstaff 饰 )在被女友苏芝甩了之后,夜夜无法入睡。在经历了两周的不眠之夜后,本决定到超市去上夜班以打发这额外的8小时。在超市上夜班,本遇到了形形色色的人,包括喜欢恶搞的同事巴里和马特、超级迷恋中国功夫的布莱恩,还有收银员莎伦(艾米丽雅•福克斯 Emilia Fox 饰)。在这里,本发现了自己有能停止时间的能力。他一次次在上夜班时停止时间,用自己的画笔去描绘各式女子。不知不觉间,本发现自己喜欢上了莎伦,并且不再失眠。就在本准备展开爱情攻势的时候,误会一个个接踵而至,本又开始失眠了。
简介:俄罗斯年度电影大片《蝴蝶之吻》(英文名:《Kiss Of Butterfly》)就曾专程来到中国数次,为寻找片中女主角——一个现代中国女孩“莉”,寻找过程可谓煞费苦心。最终此片选定蓝燕出演女一号。听蓝燕介绍《蝴蝶之吻》的导演是俄罗斯著名导演“安东西尔维斯” anton sivers,男主角是俄罗斯影帝“赛瑞奇” sergey bezrukov,这部投资高达2000万元人民币的大制作电影讲述的是一个关于移民到俄罗斯的中国女孩和一个俄罗斯网络黑客之间残酷而又凄美的爱情故事。
简介:Picking up from where the last season left off, security realizes that a gun was fired in Ed's suite, as Danny and Ed's daughter realize they have deeper feelings for each other than either of them wanted to admit. Samantha realizes what trouble she's in when one of her high roller clients rolls into the hotel's beach front resort in Hawaii and rolls up a half a million dollar bill and threatens to leave it in her lap, along with the dead stripper in his room.
简介:Once upon a time, Juan Pérez, the poorest of the poor, reaches fame in a fluke accident in what seemed to be an attempt of suicide, to protest against the government and his social condition. The Ministry of Economy, surrounded by the scandal in which he is blamed by Pérez's decision, decides to reward him changing his life giving him a little house, a car and a job. But when other poor people (Pérez's close friends) find out about his reversal of fortune, decide to imitate him faking suicide attempts in different buildings in Mexico City. The Ministry of Economy, terrified by the glance of having a plague of beggars, decides to declare poverty a crime and hence finish for once and for all with all the poor in the country. Pérez ends up behind bars. Three years later, Pérez is released and goes back to his previous social condition, but this time, aware of having one day as a rich man is better than a life as poor, he will do anything to get out of his misery... And he will manage to do so!
简介:1980年9月。Mustafa'Mehmet Ali Alabora'和他的妻子都是劳工,结婚5年。这对夫妇与政治无关,尽管每天晚上外面都有枪声,但他们还是和3岁的女儿和电视愉快地度过了每一天。一个星期五的早晨,他们醒来,听到收音机里Hasan Mutlucan的声音,看到士兵们在街上游行,这证实了已经发生的军事政变。逮捕立即在工作场所和社区开始。然而,穆斯塔法非但没有被打扰,反而认为所有的担忧都必须有正当的理由。直到他被拘留的那晚,他被指控犯有代号为“Sehmuz”的激进分子的罪行。